who we are
About Vedamrutha Trust
Vedamburtha Trust Belives Cows are significant to India’s heritage and society. In the olden days, almost every house had a cowshed. However, with the rapid urbanization people have lost the luxury of rearing cows in their homes. Abandonment of cows by farmers in financial hardship and illegal slaughtering has resulted in loss of native cow breeds.
Preserve and protect the native breeds of cattle.
Ensure goshalas are strengthened economically.
Involve the public in providing care for cow, which also improves the wellness of the donors as it creates an emotional bond with the adopted cow.

Our mission
“Our mission is to rescue and provide sanctuary to cows in need, offering them a safe haven where they can live free from harm, exploitation, and neglect. We aim to promote compassion, respect, and understanding towards these gentle creatures while advocating for their welfare and the preservation of their natural habitats. Through education, outreach, and community engagement, we strive to raise awareness about the plight of cows and inspire positive change in our society.”

Our vision
“Our vision is a world where every cow is treated with compassion, dignity, and respect, where their innate worth is acknowledged, and where they are free to live their lives in peace and harmony with humans and the environment.

Our story
VedamburthaTrust Belives Cows are significant to India’s heritage and society. In the olden days, almost every house had a cowshed. However, with the rapid urbanization people have lost the luxury of rearing cows in their homes. Abandonment of cows by farmers in financial hardship and illegal slaughtering has resulted in loss of native cow breeds

When you adopt a cow or choose to feed a cow for a specific period, the amount will be used to meet their feeding needs, ensure optimum health and care for the cattle.
Any donation received towards goshala will be used for infrastructure development, maintenance of cowsheds, providing access to clean drinking water and various veterinary services including medical expenses.
You can visit the goshalas you have contributed to, name the adopted cow and spend quality time at the goshala.
Your adoption/donation certificate is also your membership card to enable access to goshalas.
Members will be notified and invited by the Goshala for its major social and cultural activities.
1. Once you donate, you will be considered as a member of Punyakoti Dattu Yojane
2. Donors who wish to can opt to have their name, address and telephone number displayed at the goshala.
3. Details of adoption and membership are held confidential unless the donor wishes to display such details.
4. Details of the donors will not be shared with other organizations without their permission.
5. If there is any change in donor’s contact details like email id or mobile number, the concerned goshala may be notified.
6. Contributions can also be made towards an animal confiscated from an owner/transporter on account of violations under Karnataka Prevention of Slaughter and Preservation of Cattle Act 2021. However, in case of release of such animals back to the owner on directions of the Court, the amount donated shall be utilized for another animal. The donor shall be sent an intimation by the Goshala regarding this.
7. In case of death of an adopted animal, the same will be notified to the donor by the Goshala and balance contribution if any shall be utilized for another animal. The donor shall be sent an intimation by the Goshala regarding this.
Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.
Email: donate@vedamruthatrust.org
Call Anytime: +91 – 9xxxxxxxxxx